Thursday, June 30, 2011


 சீமை நாயுருவி Indian Snakeweed (Stachytarpheta indica)  is a perennial shrub
நாயுருவி Prickly Chaff Flower (Achyranthes aspera)



Snakeroot (Rauvolfia serpentina) is a shrub native to India. Roots of the plant are mainly used for medicinal purposes.

யானைக் குண்டுமணி, குன்றிமணி

யானைக் குண்டுமணி (Adenathera pavania) Tree mainly planted as avenue tree. Seeds and bark has got medicinal value.

Seeds of யானைக் குண்டுமணி

குன்றிமணி (Abrus precatorius) Climber. Seeds are predominantly red with black spot.Roots, leaves and seeds has got medicinal value.

சங்கம் குப்பி

Indian  privet  (Clerodendrum inerme)    straggling shrub native to India and Sri Lanka, introduced to other parts mainly as ornamental plant.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Calico Flower

Aristolochia elegans    is an evergreen ornamental climber native to South America widely cultivated in India.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Moss Verbena

Moss Verbena (Glandularia pulchella)   is a perennial herb, from South America, Cultivated in botanical gardens mainly as ornamental plant as well as butterfly attractors. 

ரங்கூன் மல்லி

Rangoon Creeper (Quisqualis indica)    is found in Asia and cultivated in other parts of the World for ornamental purpose.

Monday, June 27, 2011

White Passion Flower

White Passion Flower   (Passiflora alba)

Further information about Passion fruit is available in the following site.

ராம்சீத்தா, சீத்தா

ராம்சீத்தா Custard Apple (Annona reticulata) is Native to Central America, cultivated in many parts of the World including India, Taiwan, Australia and West Africa.

சீத்தா  Custard-apple, sugar-apple (Annona squamosa)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jungle Geranium

Jungle Geranium (Ixora coccinea) is a common flowering shrub native to Asia   

Stinking passionflower

Stinking passionflower  (Passiflora foetida)   


Swamp Dayflower   (Commelina benghalensis) is a perennial herb, native to Asia Temperate and Tropical regions. In India and Pakistan it is used as a animal fodder crop.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Flower of Thorny Nightshade  கண்டங்கத்திரி.
 (Solanum surattense)

Passion Flower  (Passiflora sp.)   

Sunday, June 19, 2011

யானைகளுடன் இசைந்து வாழதல்
என்பது பற்றிய பயிலரங்கம் நீலகிரி உயீர்கோள இயற்கை பூங்காவில்
ஜூன்  18 மற்றும் 19  தேதி நடைபெற்றது.
திரு  S.P. குப்புசாமி (மூலிகைவளம்),
ஸ்ரீனிவாசன் (அணைகட்டி ஆஷ்ரம்)  பொன்னுசாமி(NBNP)  அவர்களுடன் இனைந்து நானூம், பயிலரங்க பயிற்சி.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

பூம்பாதிரி (அ) கதலி

Pride of India (Lagerstroemia speciosa) Flower (May, 2011) 

Fruits (June, 2011)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

WED 2011

World Environment Day was celebrated at Nilgiri Biosphere Nature Park, Anaikatti in association with Le Meridien, Coimbatore and Zoo Outreach Organization. On this occassion the Le Meridien staff and students of PSGRK School and College planted 50 sapplings at the park. 

In the afternoon an awareness programme was conducted at PSGRK College, in association with Zoo Outreach Organization. 

Friday, June 3, 2011


5 June Celebrate the World Environment Day (WED), This year India is the host for WED